Reducing the risk, cost and administrative burden of school policy management


A static top line navigation menu is provided consistently across the entire site. The following options are available:

  • Links to the Home page, About us, The platform, Blog and Contact us are consistent throughout the site navigation.
  • Additional navigation links (bookmarks) may be provided on long pages with a large amount of content.

Site accessibility features

  • Browser support: this site has been optimised for users of HTML5-compliant browsers, including Internet Explorer version 10 and later. The site supports basic rendering for older browsers.
  • Mobile devices: PDA / mobile phone access is supported.
  • Text resizing and screen reader: text resizing is supported

Web content and accessibility

PolicyViewer committed to making its web content widely accessible to all users and is constantly striving to improve standards and better enable access to its website. We are also committed to establishing a minimum accessibility standard for web pages and to achieving the maximum standard wherever possible. This web access statement relates specifically to the public PolicyViewer website located at

Let us know how we can help

If you use assistive technology, handheld devices or standard web browsers and find that the format of any material on our websites interferes with your ability to access information, please contact and we will do our best to resolve the problem or provide the information in an alternative format.

This site complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Conformance, Priority 1. Layout is accomplished mainly with CSS, but the site will also display well if CSS is not supported. Form controls are properly grouped and labelled. Links to pop-up windows are used on this site, and are noted as such using the title element for the link. Navigation items are grouped.