Reducing the risk, cost and administrative burden of school policy management

Last updated on 28th July 2023


Welcome to PolicyViewer Ltd (PolicyViewer).

In these terms, we also refer to PolicyViewer as “our”, “we”, or “us”.

And you are you – being either an educational institution or other organisation using our services (“Client”); or an employee or member of a Client making use of our platform (“User).

What are these terms about?

These terms apply when you apply to use, are given a license to use, or use (as a User) the PolicyViewer platform (“Platform”) to store, manage, distribute and track policies, procedures or other content (“Services”).

How do I read these terms?

We separated these terms into a few parts, so they are easy to read and understand.

Those parts are:

  • Part A: Terms for when Users use the Platform.
  • Part B: Terms for when Clients use the Services on the Platform.
  • Part C: Terms for when you browse and interact with the Platform or our Website ( )(applies when you browse)
  • Part D: Liability and warranties, and interpretation provisions (applies to your use of the Services, the Platform and browsing)
  • Part E: Terms applicable to ALL Users
  • Part F: Code of Conduct for ALL Users

Please let us know if you have any questions about these terms, and don’t continue to use the Platform or purchase any Services unless you have read and agree to these terms.


I’ve returned to your Website or the PolicyViewer Platform, do I need to read these terms again?

Please note that we may change any part of these terms at any time by updating this page, so you may find that different terms apply next time you use our Website or the Platform to access the Services. You can check the date at the top of this page to see when we last updated these terms.

Part A – For When Users Use the Platform…

(a) Users make use of their organisational login credentials and no additional registration is required by Users.
(b) Logging in to the Platform constitutes your intention and offer to enter into Part A of these terms (including Part D which you agreed to by using the Platform) where we provide you with the Services.

(a) To use the functionality of the Platform, your organisation will be required to agree to the use of the Platform and pay the set-up fee and annual license fee as set out in the initial quotation or renewal quotation. An account will then be created or the license for your existing account extended (an Account).
(b) As part of the Account registration process and as part of your continued use of the Platform, your organisation is required to provide us with personal information and details, such as your name, position and email address. By accessing the Platform, you specifically consent to such information being provided to us.
(c) You agree that you’re solely responsible for:
(i) maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Account information and your password; and
(ii) any activities and those of any third party that occur through your Account, whether those activities have been authorised by you or not.
(d) PolicyViewer reserves the right to contact you about any concerning behaviour by you, or to seek a resolution with you.
(e) PolicyViewer may suspend or cancel your Account for any reason, including for any failure to comply with this agreement.
(f) You also agree to let us know if you detect any unusual activity on your Account as soon as you become aware of it.
(g) We will not be responsible to you for, and expressly disclaim any liability for, any cost, loss, damages or expenses arising out of a failure by you to maintain the security of your Account information or your password.
(h) You agree to release PolicyViewer from any and all liability for any loss or damage that arises out of or in connection with information you provide that is not accurate, honest, correct or up-to-date.

(a) (Cancellation by Client) Client is responsible for the cancellation of your Account if you leave their employ.
(b) (Cancellation by us) To the extent permitted by law, we reserve the right to terminate Client access and your access to the Platform at any time without notice, if the terms of this agreement have been breached.

(a) In exchange for the Service fee paid by the Client, you will be entitled to use our Services to gain access to and use the Platform.
(b) We are under a legal duty to supply you with Services that are in conformity with this agreement.

If your Service is faulty and you cannot access the support ticketing system within the Platform, please contact us using the ‘contact us’ function on the Website.

Part B – For When Clients Use the Services…

(a) By agreeing to make use of the Platform and our Services (Registration) you represent and warrant that you are authorised by the Client to enter into a binding contract with us.
(b) Agreeing to use the Platform constitutes your intention and offer to enter into Part B and Part D of these terms . We will then provide you with access to the Platform and Services in exchange for your payment of the total amount as invoiced to you.
(c) Part B of these terms is not agreed between you and us until we have confirmed your registration via email.

(a) To use the functionality of the Platform, you are first required to agree to our quotation in writing so that we can then authorise set-up of your account (an Account).
(b) As part of the Account set-up process and as part of your continued use of the Platform, you are required to either provide the names, job titles and email addresses of your employees by uploading users manually OR assign them into the appropriate groups on your staff directory e.g. Active Directory or similar, so that these Users may access the Platform.
(c) You agree that you’re solely responsible for:
(i) maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Account information and staff directory, including passwords; and
(ii) any activities and those of any third party that occur through your Account, whether those activities have been authorised by you or not.
(d) You warrant that any information you give to PolicyViewer while completing the Account registration process will always be accurate, honest, correct and up to date and that you will have the requisite consent to give such information to us.
(e) During the registration and set-up process, you will need to provide us with an IT representative we can liaise with and provide instructions to in respect of your Account set-up so that you are able to access the Platform and its Services.
(f) Once you have provided contact details for your IT representative, PolicyViewer may, in its absolute discretion, choose to accept you as a registered user within the Platform and provide you with an Account.
(g) PolicyViewer reserves the right to contact you about any concerning behaviour by you, or any of your registered Users, and to seek a resolution with you.
(h) PolicyViewer may suspend or cancel your Account for any reason, including for any failure to comply with this agreement.
(i) You also agree to let us know if you detect any unusual activity on your Account as soon as you become aware of it.
(j) We will not be responsible to you for, and expressly disclaim any liability for, any cost, loss, damages or expenses arising out of a failure by you to maintain the security of your Account information or your password.
(k) You agree to release PolicyViewer from any liability for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with information you provide that is not accurate, honest, correct or up-to-date.

(a) (Cancellation by you) You are responsible for the cancellation of your Account.
(i) You can cancel your Account within the first 7 (seven) days following the date of our initial invoice. If you choose to do so, you will be liable for the set-up fees, but not the annual license fees set out in the invoice. On expiry of the 7 (seven) day period, the whole Service Fee is payable and we will keep your Account open until the day before the Anniversary Date (as defined below).
(ii) You can cancel your Account by providing us with notice of termination not less than 30 days prior (Notice Period) to the then-current anniversary of the date on which we first issued you with an invoice for the Service Fees (Anniversary Date). If you fail to terminate within the Notice Period, you will be liable for the Service fee for the annual renewal.
(b) (Cancellation by us) To the extent permitted by law, we reserve the right to terminate your access to the Platform at any time without notice, for any reason, provided that we refund to you any fees for Services which you have paid for and not received. We may also terminate your access to the Platform at any time without notice without issuing a refund if you breach any provision of these terms.

(a) Quotations can be approved by sending us a purchase order, emailing us, or confirming telephonically or verbally in person.
(b) If confirmation is made verbally, all future correspondence through any written means will serve as evidence that Client has confirmed it wants to make use of the Platform, unless we receive notice to the contrary in writing from the Client.
(c) Once we have set up the Platform for the Client, we will issue an invoice for the set-up fee, any customisation you may have requested and the annual license fee (together the Service Fee).
(d) Service Fees relating to the annual license fee are payable annually and will become due on the Anniversary Date unless you have cancelled the agreement in terms of clause 2.2(a) above, while the set-up fee is a once off fee and the customisation fees are ad-hoc per Client’s request for customisation.
(e) If Client makes changes to its equipment or systems that results in their inability to access the Platform, Client will be liable for a re-connect fee at an hourly rate of £60 (excl VAT) to re-connect the Client’s access. The same fee will be payable if Client’s ambiguous instructions have led to customisations not resulting in the Client’s desired outcome, and/or, we will have the right to terminate this agreement and claim such fees, together with our reasonable fees and expenses for recovering such fees. The invoice for such fee will be payable per clause 4 below as if it were a Service Fee.
(f) Any special offers or other sign-up incentives are open only to new clients and will not result in any reductions or discounts to Client.
(g) The annual license fee is reviewed by us annually and Client will be charged the updated annual license fee in its annual invoice.
(h) Quotations are only valid for 30 days and if accepted after this time, the pricing may be increased. This may be due to an increase in our own rates or an increase in rates within our supply chain. There may also be changes to the way that the Services will be delivered.
(i) All quotations provided by PolicyViewer are final unless there is a change to Client requirements or their IT infrastructure that necessitates that PolicyViewer must carry out additional work to provide, or continue to provide, the Services. In such an instance PolicyViewer will submit a revised or supplementary quotation for approval by the Client.

(a) All prices are:
(i) in GBP (except where otherwise indicated); and
(ii) subject to change prior to you completing a Registration, without notice.
(b) (Payment obligations) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, you must pay the Service Fee, by bank transfer into the bank account on the invoice, within 30 (thirty) days of the date of our invoice therefor.
(c) (VAT) Unless otherwise indicated, amounts stated do not include VAT. In relation to any VAT payable for a taxable supply by us, you must pay the VAT subject to us providing a tax invoice.
(d) Failure to make full payment by the due date will result in additional interest charges under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 or whichever act is in force at the time. We also reserve the right to suspend or terminate on-going Services and access to the Platform. We also reserve the right to retain any of the Client’s assets that are within our control until full payment has been made.
(e) In some instances, where bespoke features are requested by Client, we may request an up-front payment of 50% of the total contract value before such customisation begins, with the remainder due on notice to you of our completion of the customisation.

(a) If you are accepted by PolicyViewer as a Client, you will be entitled to use our Services and access our Platform.
(b) Section 13 of the Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982 requires that we perform the Service with reasonable care and skill, free of material defects.

As your sole remedy, we’ll reperform or remedy any faulty Services, if you notify us by email to within 7 days of the relevant portion of the Services being provided and you provide us with enough detail as to the nature and extent of the defects.

(a) If Client requires bespoke features or customisation, the parties must set out the requirements of such features or customisation in writing and must be agreed by both parties, before we will begin working on the customisation.
(b) Our customisation will be in accordance with such written instructions (Instructions) and you will be notified when we have completed the customisation.
(c) Client will have 14 (fourteen) days to confirm the customisation is in accordance with the Instructions, failing which, Client will be deemed to have provided such confirmation and full payment will become due. Once approved, or deemed approved, the customisation cannot subsequently be rejected.
(d) If the Client advises, within the 14 (fourteen) day period above, that the customisation is not in accordance with the Instructions, we will rectify any material non-conformance resulting only from our error in performance.
(e) Any customisations and bespoke features developed by us, will be owned by us and may be made available to other Clients.
(f) If Client cancels the production of bespoke development then the Client is forbidden from passing it to a 3rd party for completion.

(a) The Client is responsible for the uploading of its policies and other relevant information onto the Platform and customising the features as they see fit, including the contents of the emails that the Platform will send to Client’s employees as part of the automated notification process of the Platform.
(b) The Client will not permit access to the Platform to anyone other than authorised Users and shall not permit any party to make changes to the Platform other than existing options within the Platform.
(c) The Client must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Platform support, which can only be requested via the ticket system, is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays. All errors or faults caused by us will be resolved free of charge, any other faults or errors will be charged in terms of clauses 3(e) and 4 above. In the event that you are unable to access the ticket system due to an inability to log-in to the Platform then you may make your request via email to

The Client agrees that we can use their organisation name, logo and website addresses for marketing purposes.

Part C – For When You Browse The Website and Platform…

You must only use the Platform in accordance with these terms and any applicable laws, and must ensure that, where applicable, your employees, sub-contractors and any other agents who use or access the Platform comply with these terms and any applicable laws.

You must not:
(a) copy, mirror, reproduce, translate, adapt, vary, modify, sell, decipher or decompile any part or aspect of the Platform without the express consent of PolicyViewer;
(b) use the Platform for any purpose other than accessing and using the Services;
(c) use, or attempt to use, the Platform in a manner that is illegal or fraudulent or facilitates illegal or fraudulent activity;
(d) use, or attempt to use, the Platform in a manner that may interfere with, disrupt or create undue burden on the Platform or the servers or networks that host the Platform;
(e) use the Platform with the assistance of any automated scripting tool or software;
(f) act in a way that may diminish or adversely impact the reputation of PolicyViewer, including by linking to the Platform or our Website on any other website; and
(g) attempt to breach the security of the Platform or our Website, or otherwise interfere with the normal functions of our Platform or Website, including by:
(i) gaining unauthorised access to accounts or data;
(ii) scanning, probing or testing for security vulnerabilities;
(iii) overloading, flooding, mailbombing, crashing or submitting a virus to the; or
(iv) instigate or participate in a denial-of-service attack.

(a) While we make every effort to ensure that the information on the Platform and our Website is as up-to-date and accurate as possible, you acknowledge and agree that we do not (to the maximum extent permitted by law) guarantee that:
(i) the Platform or Website will be free from errors or defects (or both, as the case may be);
(ii) the Platform or Website will be accessible at all times;
(iii) messages sent through the Platform or Website will be delivered promptly, or delivered at all;
(iv) information you receive or supply through the Platform or Website will be secure or confidential; and
(v) any information provided through the Platform or Website is accurate or true.
(b) We reserve the right to change any information or functionality on the Platform or Website by updating the Platform or Website at any time without notice, including product descriptions, prices and other Content.

(a) The User/consumer and/or Client/business customer acknowledges and agrees that third party terms & conditions (Third Party Terms) may apply.
(b) The User/consumer and/or Client/business customer agrees to any Third Party Terms applicable to any third party goods and services, and PolicyViewer will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the User/consumer and/or Client/business customer in connection with such Third Party Terms.

(a) The Platform or Website may contain links to other websites that are not our responsibility. We have no control over the content of any linked websites, and we are not responsible for that content.
(b) Inclusion of any linked website on the Platform or Website does not imply our approval or endorsement of the linked website.

PolicyViewer does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to computer systems, mobile phones or other electronic devices arising in connection with use of the Platform or Website. You should take your own precautions to ensure that the process that you employ for accessing the Platform or Website does not expose you to risk of viruses, malicious computer code or other forms of interference.

If you become aware of misuse of the Platform or Website by any person, any errors in the material on the Platform or Website or any difficulty in accessing or using the Platform or Website, please contact us immediately using the contact details or form provided on our Website or by emailing

Part D – Liability And Other Legal Terms…

(a) We may do any of the following:
(i) outsource any part of performing any services related to providing the Services, including delivery of your Services; or
(ii) procure materials and Services from third party suppliers,
without further notice to or permission from you.
(b) To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, we will not be liable for any acts or omissions of those third parties, including where such third parties cause delay or damage to any part of your Registration, or are negligent in providing Services or Services.

(a) PolicyViewer retains all intellectual property rights in the design of the Services, Platform and Website and all materials on the Website and Platform (including text, graphics, logos, design, icons, images, sound and video recordings, pricing, downloads and software) (Website and Platform Content) or those rights that are owned by a third party. You must not attempt to copy, reproduce, manufacture or otherwise commercialise the Services, Platform or Website Content.
(b) You may make a temporary electronic copy of all or part of the Website for the sole purpose of viewing it. You must not otherwise reproduce, transmit, adapt, distribute, sell, modify or publish the Website, Platform or any Website and Platform Content without prior written consent from PolicyViewer or as permitted by law.
(c) In this clause 2, “intellectual property rights” means copyright, trade mark, design, patent, semiconductor and circuit layout rights, trade, business, company and domain names, confidential and other proprietary rights, and any other rights to registration of such rights whether created before or after the date of these terms both in the United Kingdom and throughout the world.

(a) To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, PolicyViewer limits all liability to any person for loss or damage of any kind, however arising whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute, equity, indemnity or otherwise, arising from or relating in any way to this Website, these terms or any Services or services provided by PolicyViewer, is limited to the greater of:
(i) the total fees paid to PolicyViewer by you in the 6 months preceding the first event giving rise to the relevant liability; and
(ii) £50GBP.
(b) All express or implied representations and warranties in relation to Services and the associated services performed by PolicyViewer are, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, excluded.
(c) (Indemnity) You indemnify PolicyViewer and its employees and agents in respect of all liability for loss, damage or injury which is or may be suffered by any person arising from your or your representatives’:
(i) breach of any of these terms;
(ii) use of the Website; or
(iii) use of any Services, the Platform or other goods or services provided by PolicyViewer.
(d) (Consequential loss) To the maximum extent permitted by law, under no circumstances will PolicyViewer be liable for any incidental, special or consequential loss or damages, or damages for loss of data, business or business opportunity, goodwill, anticipated savings, profits or revenue arising under or in connection with the Platform or Website, these terms or any Services or services provided by PolicyViewer (except to the extent this liability cannot be excluded under law.
(e) Nothing in these terms will exclude or limit a party’s liability for fraud or intentional unlawful conduct by a party, or death or personal injury resulting from a party’s negligence.
(f) Without limiting the generality of clause 3, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, PolicyViewer will not be liable for any damages arising from Client’s inability to access the Platform or use the Services.
(g) To the extent that the provisions of any applicable law shall impose restrictions on the extent to which liability can be excluded under these terms or a Registration, including, for the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of sections 3, 6 and 11 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 in the UK (and its equivalent in any other jurisdiction) relating to the requirement of reasonableness, the exclusions set out in this clause will be limited in
accordance with such restrictions. However, any exclusions of liability that are not affected by such restrictions will remain in full force and effect.
(h) If any payment is made under clause 3, the recipient(s) must give us and our insurers any rights they have to pursue any third party. They also need to provide us and our insurers with any reasonable help we need.

(a) A party claiming that a dispute has arisen under or in connection with these terms must not commence court proceedings arising from or relating to the dispute, other than a claim for urgent interlocutory injunction, unless that party has complied with the requirements of this clause.
(b) A party that requires resolution of a dispute which arises under or in connection with this agreement must give the other party or parties to the dispute written notice containing reasonable details of the dispute and requiring its resolution under this clause.
(c) Once the dispute notice has been given, each party to the dispute must then use its best efforts to resolve the dispute in good faith. If the dispute is not resolved within a period of 14 days (or such other period as agreed by the parties in writing) after the date of the notice, any party to the dispute may take legal proceedings to resolve the dispute.

This agreement does not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this agreement.

If we become unable, wholly or in part, to carry out an obligation under this agreement (other than an obligation to pay money) due to an event beyond our reasonable control, the relevant obligation will be suspended to the extent that it is affected by the event.

This agreement and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation.

No party to these terms may rely on the words or conduct of any other party as a waiver of any right unless the waiver is in writing and signed by the party granting the waiver.

Any term of these terms which is wholly or partially void or unenforceable is severed to the extent that it is void or unenforceable. The validity and enforceability of the remainder of these terms is not limited or otherwise affected.

An obligation or a liability assumed by, or a right conferred on, two or more persons binds or benefits them jointly and severally.

We make no warranties or representations in relation to the Services other than as may be expressly set out in this Agreement. Any implied warranties (including those set out in sections12-16 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and any implied terms relating to the ability to achieve a particular result), whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise, are excluded to the extent permitted in law.

A party cannot assign, novate or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under these terms without the prior written consent of the other party.

Except as otherwise provided in these terms, each party must pay its own costs and expenses in connection with negotiating, preparing, executing and performing these terms.

This agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior negotiation, conduct, arrangement, understanding or agreement, express or implied, in relation to the subject matter of these terms.

(a) (singular and plural) words in the singular includes the plural (and vice versa);
(b) (currency) a reference to £, or “pound”, is to pound sterling (GBP), unless otherwise agreed in writing;
(c) (gender) words indicating a gender includes the corresponding words of any other gender;
(d) (defined terms) if a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a corresponding meaning;
(e) (person) a reference to “person” or “you” includes an individual, the estate of an individual, a corporation, an authority, an association, consortium or joint venture (whether incorporated or unincorporated), a Clientship, a trust and any other entity;
(f) (party) a reference to a party includes that party’s executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns, including persons taking by way of novation and, in the case of a trustee, includes any substituted or additional trustee;
(g) (these terms) a reference to a party, clause, paragraph, schedule, exhibit, attachment or annexure is a reference to a party, clause, paragraph, schedule, exhibit, attachment or annexure to or of these terms, and a reference to these terms includes all schedules, exhibits, attachments and annexures to it;
(h) (document) a reference to a document (including these terms) is to that document as varied, novated, ratified or replaced from time to time;
(i) (headings) headings and words in bold type are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation;
(j) (includes) the word “includes” and similar words in any form is not a word of limitation; and
(k) (adverse interpretation) no provision of these terms will be interpreted adversely to a party because that party was responsible for the preparation of these terms or that provision.

(a) A notice or other communication to a party under this agreement must be:
(i) in writing and in English; and
(ii) delivered via email to the other party, to the email address specified in this agreement, or if no email address is specified in this agreement, then the email address most regularly used by the parties to correspond regarding the subject matter of this agreement as at the date of this agreement (Email Address). The parties may update their Email Address by notice to the other party.
(b) Unless the party sending the notice knows or reasonably ought to suspect that an email was not delivered to the other party’s Email Address, notice will be taken to be given:
(i) 24 hours after the email was sent, unless that falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in the state or territory whose laws govern this agreement, in which case the notice will be taken to be given on the next occurring business day in that state or territory; or
(ii) when replied to by the other party,
(iii) whichever is earlier.

Part E – Applies to All Users

Users who, in our sole discretion fail to cooperate fully or fail to comply with the Code of Conduct (Part F of this agreement) will be notified by PolicyViewer, and may be excluded from the Platform without a refund. Such Users may have the option, at the sole discretion of PolicyViewer, to re-join the Platform, provided that they cooperate and participate in good faith.

If you violate any of the terms and conditions in this agreement, we can end it right away without a refund, by giving you written notice.

We give no warranty as to the accuracy of any information on our Website or Platform and we will not be liable for your reliance on the same.

Part F – Code of Conduct Applicable to All Users

All Users must comply with this Code of Conduct.
(a) You undertake not to involve us in activities that promote the use of child labour or seek to take advantage of, or discriminate against, any group or individual.
(b) You must not use the Services or Platform of PolicyViewer if the work or project related to the use of the Platform relates to any illegal or immoral activity.

PolicyViewer Ltd.
128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX
Telephone: 0208 191 7738

Registered in England & Wales. Registered Company Number: 11446221. VAT No: 379 3194 55